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Memoirs For Kimya

Memoirs For Kimya

"We move through life as it moves through us. We make up stories in our minds.
And often these stories overlap. We hope with all our heart.
We dream. We love, often deeply. We experience some gains and some losses.
Each of these moments leave an imprint on the rich tapestry of our souls.
Sometimes the only way to share the awesomeness is by whispering a few words on the wind.
'Memoirs for Kimya' is a collection of whispers and a tribute to the many people we meet along life's journey."

It has been two years since 'Daughters are Diamonds' was launched at the Cape Town Book Fair. Shafinaaz Hassim and WordFire Press bring you the launch of a new title: Memoirs For Kimya, and take special privilege in inviting you the first official launch this weekend, at the JOZI BOOK FAIR 2009.

JoZi Book Fair Details:

Venue: Market Theatre Complex, Museum Africa, Newtown, Johannesburg.
Dates: Saturday 8August from 9am-6pm and Sunday the same.
The booklaunch/reading will take place at the BookLaunch Island on Women's Day, the 9Aug at 2pm.

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