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This is an interesting story book with a wide range of stories that contain the wisdom of the African people.  The stories range from those that attempt to explain the origin of striking features found in selected animals to those that explain certain relationships between animals and people.  The stories contain strong messages that are important in teaching life skills that will help people to avoid pitfalls in life, for example, teaching people to learn to do things for themselves and not to rely on others.  Other stories emphasize that life demands that people should always be alert in order to avoid being led to destruction by cunning individuals.


The language and expression are rich but simple enough for both elders and young people to follow the stories and enjoy them.  These stories have a potential to encourage people to have interest in natural resources especially in the animal kingdom.  Both the young and old will be interested in watching out for the various features of animals that are referred to in these stories.  These features include various shapes that are found in the animal kingdom and sounds produced by various animals.  This, in my view, is likely to lead to increased interest in visiting game parks to see these animals and compare and contrast what they will find with what is portrayed in the stories.

While the book makes for good reading with stories covering all aspects of life, there is a need to clean it up in terms of all the typos in the book. I believe that if all these typos are cleaned up it will enhance the book’s quality.

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