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igobooks: celebrating ideas

igobooks: celebrating ideas

Here is something interesting for those who are keen to get their work published:

igobooks specialise in the making and selling of books. We are more than just an online bookstore, where we only sell the books our publisher’s print, we also market and distribute books. We are able to offer authors and publishers the opportunity to have their books showcased to all the major book selling chain stores in South Africa as well as offer an online platform for our authors and publishers to sell their books. The process of getting a book to this stage would have started with an idea or story that needed to be told. A lot of authors whether amateur or professional have really struggled in the past to get their story’s published and to print. There have been a number of hurdles, but the most daunting was the cost of printing a book. Thousands of Rands had to be spent to make the printing viable for an individual book to sell within a reasonable cost. However with the advent of digital printing the process of book printing has become much more affordable for the everyday person who wishes to write a story. This has caused a rise in self publishers looking to get their story out there and to share their knowledge. There are overseas companies that have been doing this for many years and South African authors have taken advantage of this possibility and got their books published in this way, printing minimum quantities as and when they are needed. This possibility is now available in South Africa and is offered via igobooks right here in Pinetown where we can digitally print a book without it costing tens of thousands of Rands, to a minimum quantity and of the highest quality using our HP indigo colour digital press and our Oce black and white digital press. Authors and self publishers as well as small publishing houses can now get On-Demand Digital printing services right here in SA with igobooks without having to send artwork overseas to do this. Once the book is printed, igobooks will market the book via our partners in Cape Town to all the major book sellers throughout South Africa like Exclusive Books, Bargain Books, CNA and the like. We are also able to show case books to more remote areas where a specific book might be relevant to that area. Our discount rates as an online reseller are very reasonable and as a distributor the commission we have set out is the most competitive in the industry. We also have a website ( for which our publishers can sell their book via. This website is solely for the publishers and authors we print for and we encourage our authors to use this to sell their books which in turn will help other authors and publishers attract attention to their books.

We like to think of igobooks as the complete package for anyone who is writing a book and we encourage all authors, writers and small publishers who struggle to find a major publishing label to support their writing to come to igobooks to do the complete process from printing to distribution.

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