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Aziz Hassim

Aziz Hassim Durban-born Aziz Hassim (1935 – 2013), spent most of his early years fraternising on the streets in Durban’s Casbah area. The Casbah,

Trevor Kleinhans

Trevor Kleinhans Trevor Kleinhans (1962 – ) was born and raised in Durban. His debut novel, Secrets Make You Sick, is an intimate and

Harold Strachan

Harold Strachan Harold Strachan (1925 – 2020) was born in Pretoria. He obtained a BA (FA) from the University if Pretoria, and won an

Malla Nunn

Malla Nunn Malla Nunn was born in Swaziland in Southern Africa. She attended Florence Christian Academy, a “mixed race” boarding school. In the 1970s

Marguerite Poland

Marguerite Poland Marguerite Poland (1950 -) was born in Gauteng on 3 April 1950 and when she was two years old, the Poland family

Azad Essa

Azad Essa Azad Essa is an award winning journalist and columnist. He completed a multinational Global Studies MA in 2005 and spent several years

What is Literary Tourism?

Literary Tourism is tourism that deals with places and events from fictional texts as well as the lives of their authors. This could include following the route a fictional character charts in a novel, visiting particular settings from a story or tracking down the haunts of a novelist.

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About Us

Hello and welcome to the KZN Literary Tourism website. Through this site, we aim to provide an invaluable resource for those interested in the relatively new field of Literary Tourism as well as provide information on the work we are currently doing from our base in Durban, South Africa.